Our online shop will be relaunched on August 15, 2024! In the meantime, reach us on Instagram @filipinna or email us at mai@filipinna.com for any inquiries and custom orders.

Our Storybook

Filip+Inna, January 8, 2019

Filip+Inna welcomes 2019 with our new website!

It has been quite a journey getting this website up and running – we’ve had to make a lot of changes but in the end it all worked out for good. The past 10 years have been filled with stories that need to be told and we are looking forward to sharing them with you on this platform.

As we face the new year, we are filled with hope for things to come. There will be challenges but we cling on to what remains constant – the Artisans and our work with them.

We invite you to come along this journey with us!